Saturday, February 14, 2009

Farewell, Markus

There are many things we will never understand on this side of heaven. Death is one of them. I recently went to a friend's son's funeral. It was painful, heart-rending to see the faces of the parents, families and friends as a fine young man was laid to rest. 
Markus in anyway, any yard stick, was an incredible young man. His death is more than a tragedy for many of us who know him. Yet, the nagging question is still - why? Why him, God? Why such a fine young man who was doing so much for so many people around him? Just google his name, and you will find lists and lists of websites on him. 

In many ways, there are no reasons for tragedies. Sometimes things occur because we make the wrong choice, do the wrong things. Sometimes we suffer because someone else do something bad. At other times, bad things just happened. 

To quote Mel Gibson as William Wallace in Braveheart, "Everyone has to die, but everyone lives."

Markus, you really lived. 

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