Many things happened. My 5 year-old Twinhead gave up her wifi. My Ixus 75 camera died on me. How time passes. And another one and a half months, we will be gone. How time flies.
Well, the whole world finally knows. I was told it was even announced in a chuh conference last weekend that we are going back to Melbourne. I am flattered. Didn't realise anyone would be bother whether we are here or not.
Oh! Yes, it is official. We are flying on 1st August 2009. But don't bother to come, we are flying Air Asia and I heard (not that I know for sure) that the LCCT is not that comfortable compared to KLIA.
There were lots of different reactions to us going. From encouraging to discouraging. From "Do you know Australia has changed a lot over the last 15 years" to "You will be disappointed". Well, the good thing, or the good side is, that most people seem to miss us. I guess it just means that at least we have not done too much harm in the lives of those around us.
Praise God for that.
Honestly, too many questions, and often not enough time to answer.
The commonest question is, "Why do you want to go back?"
Yeah, well, I ask myself the same question, too. You know, sometimes I wake up in the morning, and when I realise that in just another 6 weeks or so we will be packing up and going, I tell myself, I must be nuts to leave all these.
There is so much here for me. Job. Church. Friends. Family. Home. Relatives. Lifestyle. Food. You name it, we've got it here.
Yes, I must be mad to leave all these behind and go.
So, why am I going, then?
Well. It started even before I came back here.
I guess many of you know that I came back (from Melbourne in 1994 to Malaysia, that is) kicking and crying. Yes, I didn't want to come back when I finished there. I prayed and prayed. And I thought God said this to me, "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." (Gen 28:15).
Reluctantly I came back, and settled here. From Mentakab to Seremban to KL, life went on and God has been good to me. Belinda and I got married, we have two kids. We bought our own place. I passed my exams. My career is going on well. My future looks bright in spite of the general gloom and doom.
I planned to settle down here in PJ.
I guess finally my prayer 15 years ago caught up with me. I am not sure if I want to stay back in Melbourne as much as I did 15 years ago. Or even half as much as I did.
But, it caught up with me.
There are so much unknown awaiting me there. Awaiting us there.
What about my job? My qualification? Would it be recognised? Would I need to re-sit my exam? What about the kids? Would they fit in? Would they be happy? What about church? Peer influence? Finances? A roof over our head? Food on the table?
And finally, is it really worth it to throw all that we have here to try out there?
Honestly, I don't know. But my prayer caught up with me. And all that I have to hold on to is, the One who answers my prayer is faithful, merciful and gracious.
And with that, I find peace.
Peace!! Glad all is on schedule. I heard abut the date some time back from Ritchie and I am glad my wife at least got to catch up with Belinda.
God bless. e-mail when you settle and we can catch up via phone for a start.
Thanks Paul. Yes, we should certainly catch up again after we are more settled. Keep in touch.
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