Sunday, September 20, 2009


Spring is finally here.

Spring may have been a couple of weeks late, but it is finally here.

The flowers on my neighbour's fence blossomed beautifully. The bold tree that we thought dead produced a wonderful blossom.

The kids are on holiday, too. In their holiday, they managed to make roti canai and pizza, from flour, oil, salt etc.

Yet, this spring is less than happy for me. Soon I will start work, and the kids will start their term 4. I will have less time with the family, less time with the children, less time for cooking a hearty meal for the family, less time to spend in the kitchen with my daughter, or in the park with my son.

They, too, will have to depend more on themselves - from taking a bus home from school all by themselves, finding food once they reach home; and hopefully, quarrel less between the two of them in the midst of all these.

I will look back at these two weeks as one of the happiest time of my life. One of the hardest thing with having children is that you know for sure that one day they will leave you. And before that day come, let me store up my store of memory with the taste of pizza and roti canai that my daughter made, and the smell of fresh pine with my son by my side, and when the day finally come for them to leave, I will still cherish these moments and re-live them again, and again.

1 comment:

Paul Long said...

Also wishing the good times last longer.... For me, I am praying that a couple of planned family holidays in Dec will create new lasting memories.

I am sure there will be opportunities to make more great memories!